Jooglies Goodies für Joomla und VirtueMart

English Manuals

Our manuals are simple and easy to follow.

Installation Service

For all our extensions and code snippets we offer a reasonably price installation and configuration.


You like to have a unique VirtueMart?

We will find the way!

With a fair price for everyone involved!

Pagespeed Optimization

Pagespeed is the key to success

A fast site is a must in these quick times.


It was never easier and faster to buy stuff online. Your customers don't have the whole day to wait for your page to load and pick products.


Reality is simple. If your site does not show up in a set timeframe, the customer is gone somewhere else!


A lot of shops are burdened with special features and effects, extensions and code ballast. We cut the bulky stuff out and take care of your Google Pagespeed.


Please contact us if you like us to find a custom solution for you.