Die versteckte Konfiguration
- FTP-Programm
- Editor mit UTF-8 (Notepad++, Sublime Text usw.)
Die versteckte Konfiguration enthält viele Einstellungen, die für den Otto-Normal-Admin nicht nötig sind. Einige Einstellungen könnten zudem systemkritisch sein, deshalb sollte auf eine Änderung verzichtet werden, wenn man nicht genau weiß, was man tut.
Wo ist sie versteckt?
Gut versteckt ist halb gewonnen, unter /administrator/components/com_virutemart/ liegt die Datei virtuemart.cfg.
Die versteckte Konfiguration ist eine einfache Textdatei im UTF-8 Format ohne BOM. Das System sollte einfach zu verstehen sein. Bitte darauf achten, wirklich nur einen Editor zu verwenden, der auch UTF-8 spricht und keine komischen Zeichen einfügt. Nein, auf die Frage, ob es mit Word ok ist, möchte ich eindeutig mit Nein antworten. Bitte beauftragen Sie jemanden, der weiß, wie man mit einem Texteditor umgeht.
Die Parameter
Die folgende Liste enthält eine wahrscheinlich nicht vollständige Liste mit Parametern, weil ständig neue Einstellungen hinzukommen.
Parameter | Default | Erklärung | ab Version Tutorial |
adminProductListBruttoPrices | 0 | Shows prices with tax in admin product list. | |
AllowMultipleCatsFilter | 0 | Category filter in product list allows multiple categories to be selected. | VM 3.8.6 and above |
alwaysLoadStoredShopperAddress | 0 | When a user logs in: populate the billing address from the stored user details - any entries in the billing address before login are cleared. | |
CartsDontSave | 0 | Do not save any carts in the database's cart table. | ca. VM 3.8.x |
CartsDontSaveByshoppergroup | 0 | Don't save the cart for the shopper group with this ID in the database. | ca. VM 3.8.x |
CartsDontSaveCartFields | 0 | ||
ChangedInvCreateNewInvNumber | 1 | Create a new invoice number if the status is changed to a new status that created invoices. | |
ChangeShopperAlsoUseAdminShoppergroups | 0 | Add the admin shopper group to the user shopper group when admin switches the shopper in cart. | |
ChangeShopperDeleteCart | 0 | Delete the Cart when Admin switches the Shopper in Cart. | |
dblayoutstrict | 1 | ||
dbpdescsize | 18600 | Deprecated. Product description length. Now TEXT. | |
dbpsdescsize | 2000 | Length of product short description. | |
dbnamesize | 180 | ||
deep_cat | false | ||
discontinuedPrdsBrowseable | 1 | Keep discontinued products browseable. | |
full_catname_tree | 0 | Displays the full category path in selections in VM backend. | |
givenMaxRam | 2048 | For CLI - memory_limit. | 4.0.8 |
givenMaxTime | 120 | For CLI - max_execution_time. | 4.0.8 |
img_quality | 89 | ||
invoiceInUserLang | 0 / false | ||
invoiceNameInShopLang | true | ||
keysize | 24 | size of encryption key | |
layout_order_detail | detail | ||
layout_order_list | list | ||
maskIP | last | ||
max_recent_products | 10 | ||
maxChilds | 80 | Maximum number of child elements for a parent product. | |
newBackendTemplate | 0 | Set 1 to enable the new admin template overrides. | |
order_item_ordering | order_item_sku | ||
order_item_ordering_dir | |||
os_trigger_paid | array:C | One or more order status that set an order to Paid. For more (custom) status: array:C|N|V |
os_trigger_refunds | array:R | One or more order status that trigger a refund. For more (custom) status: array:R|T |
populateEmptyST | 1 | When empty, the shipping address will get populated with the billing details when editing the ST address. Default is to do this. | |
prodimg_browse | 1 | Amount of available product pictures in category view (for flip effect or similar). | |
product.published | 1 | New products are automatically published. | |
pricesbyCurrency | false | Currency dependend selected price; the selected currency determines the selected price of the product if available. | |
randOrderNr | 4 | ||
randOrderPw | 8 | ||
reuseorders | 0 (früher) oder PT2M | Je nach VM version gibt es unterschiedliche Einstellungen. | |
revenue_report_statuses | C,S | The default statuses for which the revenue report is generated. If you have added more order statuses to your configuration you might want to show them in the revenue report. Example: revenue_report_statuses=array:C|E|F|G|M|S |
sef_for_cart_links | |||
seo_full | 1 | Set 0 and categories will not be added to the product URL. | |
shoppergroupDontSaveCart | 0 | Don't store non completed cart data for reuse on logout based on being in a shoppergroup. | |
simpleBulletList | 0 | Shows a bullet list for categories in product list. | |
transliterateslugs | |||
unique_customfield_titles | 1 | Custom fields, by default, cannot have the same name. Set 0 to disable this behaviour. | |
updEngine | 1 | Automatic database updates. Set 0 to disable. | |
useGivenItemid | false | Removed? Still used? Check! | |
updelcols | 0 | Columns are deleted on db update, if you set 1. | |
vm_num_ratings_show | |||
vm_lfbs | '' | Beispiel: vm_lfbs=it-IT~de-DE Fallback für die Sprache von it-IT auf de-DE. Dies ist nun Teil der VirtueMart-Konfiguration. |
VMcombinedCssFE | 0 | Use vm-ltr-combined-min.css instead of vm-ltr-site.css, vm-ltr-common.css and vm-ltr-reviews.css. (For reading direction right to left exchange the ltr with rtl.) | |
vmDefLang | '' |
Parameter | Default | Erklärung | Tutorial |
notify_captcha | 1 | For the form to request a notification on new stock. | VM 3.8.6 and above |
notify_captcha_logged | 1 | For the form to request a notification on new stock for logged in users. | VM 3.8.6 and above |
ask_captcha_logged | 1 | For the form to ask a question for logged in users. | VM 3.8.6 and above |
reg_captcha_logged | 1 | For the form to edit the address of logged in users. | VM 3.8.6 and above |
Einige voreingestellte Werte der Datei virtuemart.cfg, die bei der Initialisierung der VM-Konfiguration verwendet werden.
## VirtueMart Configuration Defaults ## Shop shop_is_offline=0 use_as_catalog=0 useSSL=0 dangeroustools=0 debug_enable=none vmdev=none multix=none enableEnglish=1 #vmDefLang // Virtuemart Shop Language dynamically taken offline_message=Our Shop is currently down for maintenance. Please check back again soon. currency_converter_module=convertECB.php ## Email useVendorEmail=0 order_mail_html=1 ## Shopfront pdf_button_enable=1 show_emailfriend=0 show_printicon=1 show_out_of_stock_products=1 ask_captcha=1 coupons_enable=1 show_uncat_products=0 show_uncat_child_products=0 show_unpub_cat_products=1 coupons_default_expire=1,M weight_unit_default=KG lwh_unit_default=m list_limit=30 showReviewFor=all reviewMode=bought showRatingFor=all ratingMode=bought reviews_autopublish=1 reviews_minimum_comment_length=0 reviews_maximum_comment_length=2000 product_navigation=1 display_stock=1 vmtemplate=0 categorytemplate=0 showcategory=1 categorylayout=0 categories_per_row=3 productlayout=0 products_per_row=3 llimit_init_FE=24 vmlayout=0 show_store_desc=1 show_categories=1 featured_rows=1 topten=1 topten_rows=1 recent=1 recent_rows=1 latest=1 latest_rows=1 legacylayouts=0 ## Templates google_jquery=0 usefancy=1 jchosen=1 ## Templates - Paths assets_general_path=components/com_virtuemart/assets/ media_category_path=images/virtuemart/category/ media_product_path=images/virtuemart/product/ media_manufacturer_path=images/virtuemart/manufacturer/ media_vendor_path=images/virtuemart/vendor/ forSale_path_thumb=images/virtuemart/forSale/resized/ img_resize_enable=1 img_width=0 img_height=90 no_image_set=noimage_new.gif no_image_found=warning.png ## Product order settings browse_orderby_field=pc.ordering,product_name browse_cat_orderby_field=c.ordering,category_name browse_orderby_fields=array:`p`.product_sku|mf_name|product_name|pc.ordering browse_search_fields=array:`p`.product_sku|mf_name|product_name|product_s_desc ## Pricing askprice=1 roundindig=1 show_prices=1 price_show_packaging_pricelabel=0 show_tax=1 basePrice=0 basePriceText=1 basePriceRounding=-1 variantModification=0 variantModificationText=1 variantModificationRounding=-1 basePriceVariant=1 basePriceVariantText=1 basePriceVariantRounding=-1 basePriceWithTax=0 basePriceWithTaxText=1 basePriceWithTaxRounding=-1 discountedPriceWithoutTax=1 discountedPriceWithoutTaxText=1 discountedPriceWithoutTaxRounding=-1 salesPriceWithDiscount=0 salesPriceWithDiscountText=1 salesPriceWithDiscountRounding=-1 salesPrice=1 salesPriceText=1 salesPriceRounding=-1 priceWithoutTax=1 priceWithoutTaxText=1 priceWithoutTaxRounding=-1 discountAmount=1 discountAmountText=1 discountAmountRounding=-1 taxAmount=1 taxAmountText=1 taxAmountRounding=-1 unitPrice=1 unitPriceText=1 unitPriceRounding=-1 ##Check stock addtocart_popup=1 check_stock=0 automatic_payment=0 automatic_shipment=0 oncheckout_opc=1 oncheckout_ajax=1 oncheckout_show_legal_info=1 oncheckout_show_register=1 oncheckout_show_steps=0 oncheckout_show_register_text=COM_VIRTUEMART_ONCHECKOUT_DEFAULT_TEXT_REGISTER oncheckout_show_images=1 inv_os=C email_os_s=array:U|C|X|R|S email_os_v=array:U|C|X|R ##SEO seo_disabled=0 seo_translate=0 seo_use_id=0